Career support

We offer our members a comprehensive range of services to support their professional development. Whether you're a student, graduate or entrepreneur, we support you throughout your career, helping you to achieve your goals.


Our community includes over 60,000 graduates and students. Our alumni network offers a privileged space where everyone can forge links, exchange ideas and collaborate. Whether you're just starting out or well established in your career, this network gives you access to unique opportunities for sharing experiences and professional collaboration, contributing to the success of the whole community.

Culture and hobbies

We offer our alumni exclusive advantages through our partnerships. Get involved in the university's student and cultural life by taking part in events and activities, and take advantage of our special offers throughout the year.

Services for businesses

The UPPA Alumni network supports companies in their search for talent and the development of innovative partnerships. Whether you're looking to recruit new talent, collaborate with the university on research projects, or train your teams, our network offers you a wide range of tools and opportunities. Join our community to benefit from privileged access to the skills and expertise of our graduates, and engage with local companies in a framework conducive to innovation and growth.