The UPPA Alumni network is designed to develop lasting contacts with UPPA graduates in coordination with the university community.

We use the term Alumni (“pupils” in Latin) network to refer to a group of graduates, students and PhD students, that common aims have brought together.

The network currently has 50,000 members on the Alumni platform (active and inactive accounts).

The missions of the Alumni network at the University of Pau and the Pays de l’Adour

  • Promote the UPPA graduate pool.
  • Keep the links between graduates, students and PhD students alive.
  • Give news about the university and current issues, give information on the life of the Alumni network.
  • Propose appealing activities to Alumni.
  • Offer a careers space with access to a JobBoard.
  • Create interactive networks with groups.
  • Make it easier for current UPPA students and graduates to access available services.
  • Encourage communication about what graduates have gone on to do.
  • Enable UPPA graduates to participate in University life.


Join the UPPA Alumni network  today!