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A look back at the Walking Tour in Bayonne with our international students

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Thursday, December 12th, the UPPA Alumni network participated in a Walking Tour in Bayonne, organized by the Welcome Desk International and the Language Resource Center. Over 2.5 hours, around fifteen international students discovered the treasures of Grand Bayonne and the historic heart of the city.

On the agenda:

  •  The history of Bayonne, once the Roman Lapurdum, its three neighborhoods, and its majestic cathedral with its 13th-century cloister 
  • A delicious dive into the world of chocolate, a symbol of the city for over 400 years, with a tasting at Cazenave.
  • A friendly stop at Pierre Oteiza to savor Kintoa PDO ham and Txakoli, a lightly sparkling white wine produced in the Basque Country 

This excursion was an opportunity to talk with the students about the importance of the UPPA Alumni network in a friendly setting and to invite them to join the UPPA Alumni platform to stay connected throughout their journey.


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